Message from the Principal

Warm greetings!

It’s an honour to welcome you to Saint Nicholas School website, where you can find a brief information about our school and what we offer.

“NON SCHOLAE SED VITAE DISCIMUS”, which means ‘we learn not for school, but for life’, is the motto of Saint Nicholas School. In our effort to achieve our school’s motto, we apply a mixture of Cambridge (United Kingdom) and National currirulum. This curriculum of ours is supported by experienced, highly-dedicated, hardworking as well as motivated teaching staffs. With our teaching staffs providing the best service, Saint Nicholas School will feel like a second home for the students, which means they will be able to study more comfortably.

In our effort to implement Saint Nicholas School as a second home for our students, we continue to improve our facilities and teaching staffs. Saint Nicholas School is a dynamic school and always follows the latest update in education system.

We believe n a balance learning between academic and character building. Our school work tirelessly in instilling good values and character to our students.

Hopefully this will give you enough information about Saint Nicholas School. If there is any further information you’d like to know about our school and programmes, feel free to contact us.

Thank you, and may God bless us all. Amen.

Yohanes Ferdinandes



We would like to instill the idea of “Play is to Learn and so is to Grow” in our children by fostering maternal environments which are nurtured by our sincere and dedicated teaching facilities.

We believe that Is important to let children have the sense of being accepted as a part of God’s creations. Therefore, as one big family, Saint Nicholas School aims that our children will grow, be wise, and be strong independent individuals.

In the lower primary, students will learn the basics of literature, numbers, communications, as well as establishing foundations in Science and Social Study. In the upper primary, students will not only strengthen their academic skills, but they also be able to explore their talents through our lifeskill subjects.