The role of practical work in the teaching and learning of science at school level is very crucial. It will affect the goal of science education such as, (1) Facilitate students in comprehending of as much of the established body of scientific knowledge as is appropriate to their needs, interests and capacities, (2) to develop students’ understanding of the methods by which this knowledge has been gained, and our grounds for confidence in it (knowledge about science). As science teachers of Saint Nicholas School, we do realize that the main goal of learning science is to provide every young person with sufficient understanding of science to participate confidently and effectively in the modern world.
Nowadays, living in this world is more challenging day by day. We all face the pandemic for few months and struggling hard to reach the aim of science teaching like have mentioned above. Improving students’ scientific knowledge and their knowledge of science as a form of enquiry – has led many science educators to argue that it is impossible to be done in the midst of pandemic. Curriculum Cambridge also suggest the science educators to use simulation of PhEt which is helpful for us.
We decide to conduct science practical test in science classes from grade 7 until grade 12 when students are unlikely to have observed the phenomenon we are interested in, or to have observed it in sufficient detail, in their everyday lives. In such situations, it is essential and irreplaceable. We also have tried our best to pick up the correlated topic that still safe experiment to be done during Home Based Learning. The science Practical test has been guided by respective subject teachers based on the schedule. Hopefully, this idea has enriched students at home. Science Practical Test for grade 7 till 12 of Saint Nicholas School has been conducted on October 22nd – 28th, 2020 based on the time table.
Science practical test ran successfully. Science teachers sent some materials that are needed for Science experiments to student’s address, so it would help students to do experiment at home independently. During the Science time, Science teachers demonstrate the experiment to students and also distribute the worksheet of experiment as the guidance for students to do it at home. After demonstration, students did the experiment at home and record it in video. If students had difficulties about it, students were allowed to ask the teachers anytime. Some students did experiment successfully but some did failures. In this case, science teachers had guided the students to develop their critical thinking why the failures happened.
In other words, science teachers appreciated all experiment results in video because we want the students to experience the experiment of science. After the science practical test, students were able:1) to make homemade alcohol thermometer, 2) To make the crystal at home, 3) to remove rust, 4) to make Virgin coconut oil at home, 4) to conduct electrolysis process ,5) to obtain a sharp image using converging lens, 6) to create a toys car for observing the force and distance, 7) to determine the spring constant, 8) to understand the work of enzyme, coordination and response, electrical flows, and photosynthesys.
The best videos have been uploaded in YouTube channel (Teacher Meita Chem-is-try) and also SNS IG TV. Students deserve to gain additional score and we chose the best of the best videos per class. We also gave the special gift for the best students. (Ms. Friska)