Welcome to Saint Nicholas School, an educational institution that strongly stands up for the principle of “Non-Scholae Sed Vitae Discimus” which means “We do not learn for school, but life”. We welcome all Saint Nicholas School community to take part in our annual MOS event, where our pupils and teachers get together to celebrate and honour our new intake. This special event ran for three consecutive days, from Wednesday (21/7) to Friday (23/7).
Wednesday (21/7) – The first day of the MOS, Saint Nicholas School event commenced at 9 AM. The event began with the Indonesian national anthem, followed by Morning Prayer and light exercises conducted by the teachers, which was broadcasted to the pupils and their parents over the internet. The principal delivered a gracious speech to officially inaugurate the first day of the MOS event and ended the speech with the introduction of all teachers that are assigned to be on duty in the Primary Division. The teachers also took an opportunity to raise awareness of Covid, urging the pupils and their parents to work closely together to abide by Covid protocols. The event was concluded with the pupils getting their moment to break the ice and socialize with their respective class teachers.
Pupils were assembled on the second day of the event to learn how to prepare for natural disasters, particularly earthquakes. The teachers provided the pupils with survival tips when the earthquakes strike, to make the activities more engaging, some pupils were invited to perform the survival techniques through the internet. Before the second day was concluded, the pupils were given a brief opportunity to socialize with the teachers and followed by mini-games with their respective teachers.
The last day of the event was met with enthusiasm from the pupils who were fully engaged in Quizizz. Questions were revolving around the school and the activities at school. The event had finally ended, the pupils were given a brief moment to get acquainted with their subject teachers.
Through this year’s MOS event, the pandemic is not a hindering excuse to stop us from learning and creating. We can take this as a blessing in disguise and a means for us to learn how to overcome any impending life obstacles so we can improve for a brighter future.