“Knowing More about Children’s Personalities, Talents and Interests”
(A Zoominar for Parents of G7 and G9 Students)
On Thursday, 13 August 2020, a special Zoominar held and sponsored by Saint Nicholas School for parents/guardians of G7 and G9 students. It was conducted by Mr. Fidelis Waruwu, M.Sc.Ed, from Education Training & Consulting (Edutraco) Jakarta.
This Zoominar activity is to follow-up the result of Psychology Test and Innate Talent Inventory for students of G7 and G9 which was conducted last July 23, 2020. The goal is to help parents understand the results of the tests and personalities of their sons and daughters.
In his presentation, Mr. Fidelis explained about the essential of General Ability Test, Innate Talent Inventory, MBTI (Myer Brigs Type Indicator, Disc Profile and Strength Finder. He emphasized that there are 16 type of personalities of each person based on MBTI.
“We need to know these 16 types of personalities. They are the most responsible, the most loyal, the most independent, the mechanic, the most artistic, the most idealistic, the conceptor, the marketer, the most generous, the most optimistic, the most hard charging , the most harmonious, the diplomatic and the commandant”, mentioned by Mr. Fidelis.
“When we discovered our personality type, continued Mr Fidelis, we’ll understand more clearly why we do the things we do. We will gain confidence in our strengths and be better able to make decisions that suit our true nature. Aside of that, we can understand other people and discover their own strengths and gain a better understanding of how people are different”, said Mr. Fidelis.
During the zoominar, the parents, class teachers, counselor, committee and the principal were very enthusiastic. Although it was held from 13.00 WIB to 14.40, but the participants enjoyed listening to the presentation from our speaker. The discussion was interesting and it ran smoothly. There were many questions asked by the parents and teachers. All the questions were answered well by our speaker.
The result of this psychology test has been given to the respective parents. There were 16 pages. According to Mr. Fidelis, if the students did the test well, and the accuracy will be 85-90 percent. This result can be used by parents and teachers in providing appropriate guidance and direction to each child, so that they can make choices properly in their life. (Gregorius Ferry)