The COVID-19 pandemic has made it particularly challenging to use traditional methods of relationship-building and communication as schools grapple with ensuring safety during in-person events and engaging parents in a virtual setting.
On the 22nd of January 2021, Saint Nicholas School – KidsLand PIK Division conducted a Virtual Parents Teachers Meeting for Second Semester of this Academic Year 2020-2021. As the so called “new normal”, all preparations were set up at school from the virtual background to the facilities needed up to the team who exerted their efforts to come up with a successful one.
As an introduction, Ms Jenny, the host presented the agenda of the program through a screen-share for the parents’ information. The program was about to open when the host introduced her co-host Ms Jennyfer to lead a benevolent opening prayer. It was then followed by an Opening Remarks from the new principal of KidsLand PIK, Ms Amel. From her speech, it was mentioned that teaching the students remotely and no physical attachment was a challenge. She added further that teachers became more responsible, resourceful, and creative to come up with colourful, fun, creative educational materials to provide a good education to students. It was also emphasized that with a strong bond between parents and teachers, we can breeze through this obstacle, the spread of corona virus.
To look back on the activities and events of students during the first semester of this academic year, a compilation of photos was put into a video by the PIC, Ms Weni. Next, was an English reading performance from K1 class which was spearheaded by the head teacher, Ms Vera. The students were brilliant as they showed their skills in reading.
Moving forward, this year’s PTM was a little bit different but it is something special and interesting as Saint Nicholas School invited Ms. Ellen Patricia a famous speaker who is also a professional coach and a counselor to conduct a seminar with the theme, “Parenting during Pandemic of Covid-19”. This seminar was relevant with the current situation as the speaker talked about the impact of this pandemic for everyone’s life. She emphasized three emotions which are being thankful, worried, and stressed based on the research gathered. At this point, the speaker gave the opportunity for parents to share what they experienced when the online scheme of learning was introduced as a new normal way of learning. Parents also were given a chance to ask questions. To wrapped up, Ms Ellen highlighted that children are unique on their own ways and that she encouraged everyone to have an open communication between parents and children as well as parents and teachers. It will be a great reinforcement to sustain the learning despite the presence of this pandemic. We should remember also that this is a new situation for everyone, and we need to be motivated enough to work together to figure out what works and what to adjust as needed.
Moreover, an astounding Chinese performance from K2 Class was shared. It then followed by Ms Vera who familiarized everybody with the new Academic Calendar for Second Semester. Before we departed, closing prayer and salutation were given by the hosts. Indeed, it was virtually a momentous and productive event as there was an interaction, and that everyone’s eyes were focused on the screen all throughout the program.